Fall 2021 Deals that Deliver

Supplier Directory List

Supplier Directory List


Distinctive Hospitality Designs Full-service FF&E Provider and FF&E Distributor Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (804) 672-2121 ext.111 www.distinctivehospitality.com * Servicing all WH&R Hotel Brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Guest Supply FF&E Distributor Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (800) 642-9086 ffe_projects@guestsupply.com www.guestsupply.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. HD Supply FF&E Distributor Select FF&E Products (800) 431-3000 customercare@hdsupply.com www.hdsupplysolutions.com 2021 Catalog: https://ecatalogs.hdsupplysolutions. com/wyndham For Canadian Hotels: (800) 782-0557 www.hdsupplysolutions.ca * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Hospitality Furnishings & Design (HFD) Full-service FF&E Provider and FF&E Distributor Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (877) 452-2117 info@hfdcorp.com www.hfdcorp.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Innvision Hospitality FF&E Distributor Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (888) 465-0111 ext. 2075 wyndhamleads@innvision.net www.innvision.net * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Pacific Lodging Supply FF&E Distributor Select FF&E Products (800) 537-7915 www.pactex.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada.

Goodman Amana HVAC Brandon Langston 713-263-5949 blangston@amana-ptac.com www.amana-ptac.com Servicing USA only *Applicable to La Quinta ® by Wyndham only. Home Box Office (HBO) In-Room Entertainment Premium Television Service Michelle Mahoney HBOBulkMarkets@HBO.com HBOBulk.com Servicing USA only Hotel Connectivity Solutions High-Speed Internet Access hcs@wyndham.com Servicing USA only sales@intello.com www.intello.com Servicing Canada only *Not Applicable to AmericInn ® by Wyndham. ITG Networks High Speed Internet Access Provider (HSIA) Guest Internet Access & HSIA Solutions (877) 934-4636 wyndhamsales@itgnetworks.com www.itgnetworks.com Servicing USA only JANUS Displays Digital Signage Jesse Oliver (727) 531-4000 info@janusdisplays.com www.janusdisplays.com LG Electronics USA, Inc Televisions Hospitality Televisions & Commerical Displays (800) 228-1236 Intello Technologies High Speed Internet Access Provider (HSIA) HSIA Solutions (Wi-Fi) (888) 404-6268

Mood Media Media Solutions & Marketing Music, On-Hold Messaging & Scent Services (203) 509-3608 WynGroup@moodmedia.com https://us.moodmedia.com/clients/ wyndham/ Nuvola Cloud Based Service Optimization and Guest Engagement Software Juan Carlos Abello 786-200-8313 jabello@mynuvola.com www.mynuvola.com On-Hold Marketing Music & On-Hold Marketing Sheila Fitzgerald (800) 932-2175 www.onholdmktg.com *Not applicable to La Quinta ® by Wyndham. Onity Guestroom Door Locks (electronic/RFID) Electronic Locks and Energy Management (800) 424-1433 www.onity.com React Mobile Employee Safety Devices (888) 415-0977 sales@reactmobile.com https://www.reactmobile.com Servicing USA only Safety NetAccess High Speed Internet Access Provider (HSIA) Guest Internet Access and Wi-Fi (855) 762-4742 wyndhamsales@safetynetaccess.com recommended) (888) 727-2664 samsunghospitalitysales @ingrammicro.com www.samsung.com/hospitality SHOWTIME ® In-Room Entertainment Special Markets Sales / Doug Markott Premium Television Service (770) 698-6937 doug.markott@showtime.net www.sho.com/wyndham Servicing USA only www.safetynetaccess.com Samsung Hospitality Televisions Hospitality Grade LCD and LED HDTVs (Pro: Idiom Embedded options

SurferQuest Business Center Software & Equipment Business Center & Guest Engagement Software Solutions (888) 733-4365 or (814) 342-3120 wyndhamsales@surferquest.com/ wyndham www.surferquest.com/wyndham Thinix High Speed Internet Access Provider (HSIA) Anthony Clark (888) 484-4649 sales@thinix.com www.thinix.com Servicing USA only Uniguest Business Center Software & Equipment Computing and printing, digital signage, and meeting space solutions

Uniguest Business Center Software & Equipment Computing and printing, digital signage, and meeting space solutions

sales@uniguest.com www.uniguest.com USA Today Newspapers National Newspaper (800) 628-6180 https://amenity.usatoday.com Servicing USA only

FF&E Distributor (800) 650-3360 www.myamtex.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. AVM Enterprises, Inc. FF&E Distributor Select FF&E Products (800) 218-3995 www.goavm.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Boston Trade Interior Solutions Full-service FF&E Provider and FF&E Distributor (800) 858-6565 wyndham@bostontrade.com www.bostontrade.com * Servicing all WH&R Hotel Brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Champion Supply Co. FF&E Distributor Select FF&E Products (405) 681-5551 www.championok.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Contract Partners of

LOBBY DESIGN FULL-SERVICE SUPPORT for new construction, renovations and brand standard upgrades.

Learn more here. Boston Trade Interior Solutions Full-service FF&E Provider (800) 858-6565 wyndham@bostontrade.com www.bostontrade.com * Servicing all WH&R Hotel Brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Contract Partners of

sales@uniguest.com www.uniguest.com

LOBBY & FRONT DESK GUEST SERVICES JANUS Displays Digital Signage Jesse Oliver (727) 531-4000

North America (CPNA) Full-service FF&E Provider Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (800) 567-9917 info@cpnainc.com www.cpnainc.com * Servicing Canada only for full-service support. Servicing USA and Canada as an FF&E distributor. Distinctive Hospitality Designs Full-service FF&E Provider Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (804) 672-2121 ext.111 www.distinctivehospitality.com * Servicing all WH&R Hotel Brands. Servicing USA and Canada. Hospitality Furnishings & Design (HFD) Full-service FF&E Provider Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (877) 452-2117

info@janusdisplays.com www.janusdisplays.com

North America (CPNA) Full-service FF&E Provider and FF&E Distributor Design, Project Management, Procurement & Installation Services (800) 567-9917

OfficeDepot OfficeMax Office Supplies, Technology, Print Services, Furniture Shree Pradeep (855) 337-6811 Ext. 16043 shreepradeep@officedepot.com Business.officedepot.com SurferQuest Business Center Software & Equipment Business Center & Guest Engagement Software Solutions (888) 733-4365 or (814) 342-3120 wyndhamsales@surferquest.com/ wyndham www.surferquest.com/wyndham

info@cpnainc.com www.cpnainc.com * Servicing all WH&R hotel brands. Servicing USA and Canada.

info@lgsolutions.com www.lgsolutions.com Lodging Controls

Hotel Automation Solutions, Employee Safety Devices and Guest Texting Software (855) 372-5267 sales@lodgingcontrols.com https://www.lodgingcontrols.com

info@hfdcorp.com www.hfdcorp.com * Servicing all WH&R Hotel Brands. Servicing USA and Canada.


SD6 WHRSourcing.com | Strategic.Sourcing@wyndham.com


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