"The Distinctive Life" presented by the Distinctive Collection
The best designs use light well, and this is no less truewhen trying to refresh your space in a sustainableway. Assess how light enters the roomyou are remodeling. Theway your room’s natural light radiates around the area significantly impacts everything fromenergy efficiency tomood. Are your windows double-paned?Would the space benefit fromhaving your contractor enlarge thewindows or reshape them? Can your windows be highlighted tobecomeworks of art themselves?Using vintage accessories, like sunburstmirrors ormirroredArt Deco sideboards, can youbounce incoming light? The answers to all of these questions can play an essential role in your next steps and dictate howyouwill use the space in the future. One of our best sustainable design tips is to consider not just your favorite colors or what is popular whenpreparing to repaint a room but how that color will impact the energy and atmosphere of the room. Darker,moodywall colors can enhance relaxation. Still, if you don’t have ample natural light, you’ll need to supplement it with artificial light, whichwill automatically alter the feeling of the space. Lighter hues reflect light – brightening the roomwithout using asmuch energy. CHOOSEWALL COLORSWISELY
Speaking of wall paint, the industry has come a longway inmaking low (or zero) VOCpaint, veganpaint, andother sustainable options. Youmay not think about paint using animal byproducts, like casein, butmany do. Better Homes &Gardens' editors interviewed expert Daniel Brooks on the subject, and Brooks revealed: “Veganpaint replaces all animal productswith a natural plant-based binder, such as vegetable caseinor legumin, and certify that they are cruelty-free.” Farrow &Ball andAuroPaints are among a growing number of companies that offer a range of paint finishes that are all cruelty-free and sustainably developed. PURCHASEKINDER FURNITURE One of Martha Stewart Living ’s editors' favorite sustainable design tips is for people tobuy kinder furniture. There are a couple of ways of going about this process. The advice is to start by looking for the “Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) seal.” They are also fans of choosing high-quality vintage items or antiques, likeChesterfield sofas or auction house finds insteadof purchasing frombig- box stores. Reupholstering a piece you already own that has excellent bonesmay seemlike a pricey, more time-consuming option thanbuying new, but it’s a perfect way to reduce the amount of furniture headed for landfills. Plus,
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