"The Distinctive Life" presented by the Distinctive Collection


HAVE A SYMPOSIUM Conversation is second only to the food at a dinner party. Encourage guests to turn off their phones, or collect them in a basket to ensure everyone is fully present. Once everyone is done eating, introduce a topic of general interest. Given the leanings and personalities of your guests some topics, such as politics and religion, should be avoided. Ask guests to share their opinion, honoring those that are abstaining, and create a discussion where your attendees feel that their opinion is being honored. FOLLOW UP Guests who were thoughtful enough to bring a gift should be recognized with a handwritten thank you card. The general rule is that cards should be postmarked no more than three days after receiving the gesture. Make sure to specify why their gift was so fitting for the occasion and your future uses for it. Of course, if the gift consisted of edibles, show your gratitude by expressing how much you enjoyed each bite. In return, guests will take on even more favorable feelings toward your party and RSVP gladly for future ones.


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