The Distinctive Life


In the case of statement art, bigger really is better. Oversized vertical paintings, photographs, or tapestries can dazzle on a tall living room wall (the same can be said for soaring entryways). If it looks like you could add multiple pieces around the artwork you are considering, your statement piece could get lost in visual clutter. It’s a warning that you might need to go bigger. Residential designer Eric Rothman of HammerSmith explains to

Southern Living : “If you want to appreciate the art and the space, you’ll create more impact by having fewer items dramatically displayed.”

If you are considering doing a complete refresh of your living room decor, start by literally emptying the space. Feel how the walls flow vertically and horizontally. Notice where natural shafts of light occur and where supplemental lighting might be necessary. Having this blank canvas will allow you to truly make your collection of oversized art pieces (or even a single work) the talk of your living room.

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