The Distinctive Life

luxury upgrades to a MODERN HOME OFFICE that boost productivity Are you ready to elevate your home office?Whether you quickly set up a basic home office in response to work-from-home opportunities or just want to upgrade a long-used space, even minor improvements can boost your productivity significantly. Start by taking stock of how you work throughout the day.What are the things that distract you? Do you feel stressed and fidgety because you are working against your environment rather than with it? Simple design changes can help. Read on as we reveal the luxury upgrades to a modern home office that can increase productivity and enhance your sense of wellbeing.

UPGRADEYOUR DESK Your desk is one of the most important elements in your home office. Whether you yearn for a Louis XV gilt mahogany desk or a modern, standing unit, this one piece of furniture is likely to inform the decor of your entire space and impact your attitude when you approach work each day. If you want a simple, calming vibe to replace your current home office atmosphere, Laurence Carr of Laurence Carr Designs tells Martha Stewart

Living that people, “when designing an in- home office, should begin with a blank, clean space, and start by adding a simple, chic desk and a comfortable chair arranged so your back is to a wall for grounding — a Feng Shui technique.” Fully adjustable, modern sit- stand desks also can be appealing and offer significant health upsides. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t choose an elegant 18th-century piece or eye-catching Mid-

Century Modern option. You can even mix and match by having a classic, much-loved desk re-topped with marble or other stone options, to give something time-worn a luxurious new look – an idea that is applauded by the editors of Better Homes & Gardens .

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