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Offer applicable to properties in the U.S. and Canada.

AT&T Staff Alert Service Helping protect hotel staff in threatening situations T T Staf Alert Service Helping protect hotel staf in threatening situations

The AT&T StaffAlert service provides the hospitality industry with a foundational technology that helps support the needs of the hotel associates. Using an IoT infrastructure along with Bluetooth low energy technology, the solution does not rely on the guest Wi-Fi network – freeing up bandwidth for guests and helping provide a reliable alert system! The AT&T StaffAlert service provides the hospitality industry with a foundational technol gy that helps up ort the ne ds of the hotel associates. Using an IoT infrastructure along with Blueto th low energy technol gy, the solution does not rely on the guest Wi-Fi network – fre ing up bandwidth for guest and helping provide a reliable alert sy tem!

Special offer! Install byMay 31, 202 2 and receive 4 free alert tags! Special of er! Install byMay 31, 202 and receive 4 fre alert ags!

Get started

Get started



Alert tag

Alert tag

Location beacon

Location beacon

Access point

Access point

Fo r more information, contact the AT&T Staff Alert Service team at WyndhamSAS@list.att.com or call 855-788-7838 . Fo r more information, contact the AT& Staff Alert Service t am at WyndhamSA @list.a t.com or call 855-788-783 .

Also available: AT&T Business (Voice, internet, Wi-Fi, security) & Wireless Services (voice, data & wireless back up) for corporate use including billing, upgrades & new services. For more information, contact Ashtin Williford (855) 788-7838 (aw217t@att.com) - Please allow 24 hours for a response. Offered to all WH&R properties. All products and services are provided by AT&T and not Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (WH&R) or its subsidiaries. Neither WH&R . nor its subsidiaries are responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any statements made in this advertisement, the content of this advertisement (including the text, representations and illustrations) or any material on the AT&T website to which the advertisement provides a link or a reference. Your access to and use of such third-party websites and applications, and any correspondence or transactions that you may enter thereon, are exclusively governed by the terms of use and policies of those websites and applications. We provide links to third party websites and applications for y our convenience and information only, and you use them at your own risk. Please refer to the applicable brand specifications for your property prior to purchasing products. © 202 2 AT&T Intellectual Property. AT&T, Globe logo, and DIRECTV are registered trademarks and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks are the property of their respective owners Also availab e: AT& Business (Voice, intern t, Wi-Fi, security) & Wireless Services (voice, data & wireless back up) for c rp ate use including billing, upgrades & new services. For more information, contac Ashtin Williford (855) 788-7 38 (aw217t@att.com) - Pleas allow 24 hours for a esponse. Offered to all WH&R pro erti s. All products and services are p ovided by AT&T and not Wyndham Hotels & Resort , Inc. (WH&R) or its sub idiaries. Neith r WH&R . nor its sub idiaries are responsible for the accura y or c mpleten ss of any statements made in this advertis ment, the content of his advertis ment (including the ext, representations a d illustrations) or any materi l on the AT&T website to which the advertis ment provides a link or a refe nc . Your access to and use of such third-party websites and pplications, and y corresponde c or transactions that you may enter thereon, are exclusively governed by the erms of use and policies of those w bsites and pplications. We provide links to third party websites and pplications for y ur conve ienc and i formation ly, and you use th m at your wn risk. Please ref to the applicable rand specifications for y ur property prior t purchasing products. © 202 2 AT&T Intellectual Prope ty. AT&T, Globe logo, and DIRECTV are regist red trademarks nd servic marks of AT&T Intellectual Prope ty and/or AT&T affili ted companies. All other ma ks e th prope ty of their r spectiv owners

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