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Supplier Directory List Ripplepoint Expense Analytics Services (407) 429-3040

Uniguest Business Center Software & Equipment Computing and printing, digital signage, and meeting space solutions sales@uniguest.com www.uniguest.com Wyndham Wi-Fi High-Speed Internet Access (HSIA) (855) 849-3487

RRD Terry & LInen Conservation Cards Marketing and Operational Supplies & Services including Count on Us SM Signage and Collateral (855) 438-0373 Email RRD Customer Support: wyndhamhotels@rrd.com For ordering instructions visit:

whr@ripplepoint.com www.ripplepoint.com Sabre Hospitality (Formerly known as Nuvola) Cloud Based Service Optimization, Texting and Guest Engagement Software erynn.dalton-torrenga@sabre.com https://www.sabrehospitality.com/ solutions/nuvola/ Sabre Hospitality SynXis Property Management System (PMS) psd@wyndham.com lpelton@samsunghospitality.com www.samsung.com/hospitality SHOWTIME ® In-Room Entertainment Special Markets Sales / Doug Markott Premium Television Service (770) 698-6937 doug.markott@showtime.com www.sho.com/wyndham Servicing U.S. only Stratascale Cyber Support Security StrataShield@Stratascale.com https://stratascale.com/programs/ StrataShield/ SurferQuest Business Center Software & Equipment Business Center & Guest Engagement Software Solutions (888) 733-4365 or (814) 342-3120 wyndhamsales@surferquest.com www.surferquest.com/wyndham Thinix Business Center Software & Equipment, High Speed Internet Access Provider (HSIA), Managed Networking and Telecom/Internet Backup Anthony Clark (888) 484-4649 sales@thinix.com | www.thinix.com Servicing U.S. only Erynn Torrenga (321) 390-5057 http://it.wyndham.com/ Samsung Hospitality Televisions Hospitality Grade LCD and LED HDTVs (Pro: Idiom Embedded options recommended) Lauren Pelton (563) 362-9983

www.rrd.com/wyndham Servicing U.S. and Canada. SLWM (Formerly known as Webbmason Marketing) Branded Print, Promotional

hcs@wyndham.com Servicing U.S. and Canada


Merchandise & Sales Enablement Solutions including Count on Us® Signage and Collateral (888) 432-0614 wyndham@slwmco.com https://wyndham.mymarketingbench.com Servicing U.S. only Verdant/Copeland Energy Management Solutions Robert Urbanek (888) 440 0991 verdant.sales@emerson.com https://www.verdant.co/ Servicing U.S. and Canada Waste Management Waste, Bulk Pickup & Recycling Services Gayle Marchio (630) 572-2990 gmarchio@wm.com www.wm.com General Customer Service: (888) 625-5323 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR SIGNAGE Allen Industries Exterior Signage Nicole Starkey (800) 338-9773 wyndham@allenindustries.com www.allenindustries.com * Applicable to La Quinta® by Wyndham only. Servicing U.S. and Canada Dualite Exterior Signage Vern Wooten (513) 536-3193 vwooten@dualite.com www.dualite.com *Applicable to La Quinta ® by Wyndham only Servicing U.S. and Canada

Tax Credits and Incentives Nick Laurrell | (562) 221-2108 nick.laurrell@incentify.com https://discover.incentify.com/_c/wyndham O’Connor & Associates Hotel Property Tax Reduction Patrick O’Connor | Mona Govahi (254) 400-0683 mgovahi@poconnor.com www.nationalpropertytax.com Servicing U.S. only WYNDHAM GREEN Commercial Green Solutions Energy-Saving Services and Resources Rick West (800) 808-6991 rickw@commercialgreensolutions.com www.commercialgreensolutions.com HD Supply Energy Efficient Lighting Guestroom and Housekeeping Supplies (800) 431-3000 customercare@hdsupply.com www.hdsupplysolutions.com eCatalog: Preventative Maintenance Guide Servicing U.S. only

HotelTech International Smart Guestroom Thermostats Stephen Armstrong (416) 921-9131 sarmstrong@hoteltechinc.com (800) 356-4298 sales@hoteltechinc.com https://www.hoteltechinc.com Loop EV Charging Network Solutions (888) 385 6671 sales@loopglobal.com Loopglobal.com/Wyndham Servicing U.S. only


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